PRAISE OF THE TEACHER. The true teacher, like Socrates, is convinced that teaching is an honor, it is a sacred activity, and the teacher teaches how to reflect on the human being, society and the environment through whatever chair. A teacher never thinks he knows more than the others, on the contrary, with humility he is willing to learn from his students. He is innovative, critical, seeks with his questions to motivate and extract the truth from the intellect of his students with respectful questions. He never thinks he is wise, he only thinks that he is on the path of wisdom. His relationship is based on everyone being good until proven otherwise, he treats them as he would like to be treated, insists on respect and in May you always be good to yourself first so that you can be good to others. "Teach to Teach", with PASSION not with lukewarmness. My sister told me that she is only a teacher ... a compliment of humility, but when she teaches not only with the wisdom of books but with the experience of many years, with her life as an example, she is a teacher, a leader. all my colleagues who are striving on that path to wisdom that allows us to be better every day. A huge thank you to my students for letting me teach them, a kiss to my sister and a memory to my teacher where I am ..

This year we will continue with our purpose of TEACHING TO TEACH, Women, General Doctors, Medicine students, nurses and health promoters under the precept that they are the ones with whom we should most share a simple knowledge about the Breast and its symptoms, involving knowledge of the myths, beliefs, legends and fears that make all of them at some point become barriers to consulting on time. We must TEACH to respect the Breast and the importance it has for women, also leaving values ​​of respect for the rights of a woman, taking advantage of the credibility that we as specialists have in the population. Teach simple things that impact as much information does not impact enough to generate an early consultation for Cancer. We will insist on benign diseases because they are 90% of the breast consultation and their dissatisfaction becomes a barrier to consult when there is a suspicious injury that does not hurt, for example. In our tours of so many municipalities, it is a frequent finding that our young doctors are unaware of benign diseases. Many have not had sufficient practice in Breast semiology. TEACH TO TEACH, something we do with passion.

In recent days we had the opportunity to share knowledge through a live TV program, "well dated", where among other things people asked questions directly. It was an opportunity that once again showed us how many myths and beliefs exist around the world. breast cancer that become barriers to consulting on time. It also served to remind us of the importance of explaining in a simple way the changes that a breast presents and why a Cancer here does not hurt, something simple that would motivate a consultation in time. Many women arrive with advanced cancer and when asked what happened the most common answer is "since it didn't hurt, doctor, I didn't worry .." Or sometimes they are just afraid, "I thought they would remove my breast from the start ..." and this would be avoided if we promote changes in the way we share information. Hence the importance for example in teaching our young doctors how to teach. TEACHING TO TEACH, our motto and basis for generating change and commitment against breast cancer from the Health promoter, the medical student, the professional nurse, the general practitioner and the nurse. And with this philosophy, share in companies and other places where many women never access this knowledge. (Https: // youtu.be/-GLK-tJ4m5o)

OUR WOMEN LEARN MORE FROM THEIR BREASTS IF WE TEACH THEM WITH PASSION.As these are our STUDENTS, humble women, without further training who are able to reproduce our teachings, can draw in a drawing of the breast where the ducts, lobes, lobules are and explain because a cancer does not hurt, in which part it develops, because a breast, which is a cyst, hurts, because a blow is not associated with Cancer, nor many myths, beliefs and fears that after training are able to deduce its veracity or No, I am proud of all these women who teach and motivate me every day to continue using part of my time to teach in municipalities, companies and schools. These days, 2 teenagers from schools in Sopó took this information to their homes (part of a strategy to reach young women who work and do not self-palpate) and managed to motivate their mothers to self-palpate and discover two malignant lesions, more than on time. For their work, one of them fits As a family, I had never attended programs because I was working. Our students today are from Flores Suasuque de Sopó within the Mayor's program for reaching all their women, wherever they are.

If possible, it just takes passion, humility and not underestimating your ability to learn.


On the 14th we were in Guatavita, a municipality whose motto regarding the prevention of Breast Cancer is CHOOSE TO KNOW. Their attitude of teaching, sharing knowledge that empowers women in the care of their breasts, begins to show results. Of their trained women, 58% are performing their self-palpation, well above the region average (27%) and from the average of countries like Mexico (29%) and Peru (19%). But the greatest reward was to see how a humble woman was able to draw the basic anatomy in a breast, explain where the cancer we are looking for begins and why it does not hurt, to show why a sinus hurts, how a cyst forms. So DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE ABILITY TO LEARN THAT ANY WOMAN HAS AS HUMBLE AS IT IS, how proud I was to see this uneducated woman "replace me". If it is possible, that is why we must continue incorporating techniques to improve communication, LEAN techniques to determine the information that is not useful to teach against an epidemiological objective, (that the woman consults in time) NLP to reinforce learning. Be respectful of myths and fears. TEACH TO TEACH our young doctors and regain leadership Simple ideas for the serious problem of Breast Cancer.


Our university has been linked to this need to improve the knowledge of our future rural doctors from the classroom. When we have trained more than 500 rural doctors from many faculties in our meetings in municipalities and rural areas of Cundinamarca Meta and C / brand, we have become convinced of the need to promote improvement in the knowledge of benign breast diseases and symptoms in other universities, to improve their leadership in prevention. Many rural doctors tell us how they feel that they lack training in this regard and a significant number never touched a breast during their studies. (We were "secretaries" in the Seno clinic) There are already voices in Europe with much scientific support that question screening with Mammography. The debate will surely grow and countries such as the Netherlands no longer make mammography mandatory, it makes us insist on the importance that the rural doctor has in generating confidence, commitment and leadership in prevention. There are more than 4,000 birad 0 and birad 3 mammograms. accumulated in various municipalities of cundinamarca simply because these doctors are not clear on the conduct to follow and we cannot wait for them to be referred to specialists to solve them. YOU NEED TO TEACH THEM TO TEACH.


So it seems a simple activity, far from a scientific, educational or surgical activity when invited to an activity like today in Suesca, it is an honor, because in addition to being able to share knowledge, the show of the parade, which It is seen less than any march against Breast Cancer in cities like Bogotá, added to the presentation of school children dancing to typical Cundinamarca music and older people declaiming before the public, they are important motivations to continue with our ideas. Everything has been done with minimal resources but with a passion that motivates us, as I said, to continue in this dream of helping. Today with all the experience gained in these activities not only in Suesca but in more than 100 municipalities in Cundinamarca, Risaralda and Meta we are ready to seek cooperation that will allow us to better support these municipal activities.


We had the opportunity to share knowledge with our medical students from the military university during a civic day at the Mayor's Office of Cajica. The experience was wonderful. First, because they had what a teacher needs to be better, "Avidity FOR KNOWLEDGE". They had not had the opportunity to be so close to the reality of women and their breasts, of the need to learn benign pathology and symptoms, key, because 90% of the pathology a woman consults for is benign and the dissatisfaction in her care can become a barrier for the woman to consult when she has a suspicious finding, but they learned something more important in light of the need to improve the Motivation of women to prevent ... Respect, the need to communicate a message that women understand about their reason for consultation, privacy in a simple way and above all we were able to share our motto "TEACHING THEM TO TEACH". It was a pride to share I am sure that improving self-palpation rates and early diagnosis will fall on their attitude as they improve their leadership in preventing breast cancer, when more than 75% of women who consult for this, already have advanced disease, thanks to them